Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009

Trik For Yahoo, Google and Windows

1. Getting A 1gb Yahoo China Account

1. Sign for a yahoo ID... you can do this in my.yahoo.com. DO NOT check the automatically create an Email address
2. Clear ALL cookies
3. Activate mail account at cn.mail.yahoo.com
(you get 100Mb storage first *don't worry*), then sign-out
NOTE: FYI, the two boxes in the activation page is lastname and firstname

Upgrading to 1Gb Yahoo China Account
1. Sign-in to Yahoo Messenger, add a contact, sign-out
2. Go back to cn.mail.yahoo.com (all pages would be in Chinese)
3. Click the 1G orange label (graphic) *look at the lower right of the page*
4. Type-in your Yahoo ID and Password *look at the bottom of the page*
5. You'll go to two more Chinese pages (Just click the bottom centered label in the page)
6. Tadah!! Your upgraded to 1Gig and your default is English with Free POP3

There's no pesky graphic or flash ads at the moment... but your email add would be username[at]yahoo.com.cn

I think that's good enough for people without Gmail

2. just type crack: app name

example: crack: flashget 1.6a


3.Do you experience this kind of problem whenever you attemp to install an application in windows box (2k, xp)?

"The Windows Installer service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance."

The ms website knowledge article 324516 gives 2 methods as a way of fixing this problem, but you might be very lucky if any of the 2 fixes the problem, alot of guys end up formating their systems and doing fresh windows installations or try wired ways of fixing it.

Well, the solution is very easy:

1. right click your root windows installation drive i.e drive where you installed windows
2. click properties at the bottom
3. select security tab
4. click Add and scroll down to SYSTEM account click add and click OK.
5. allow Full control permission and click Apply and then Ok.

This should solve your problem with windows installer.


FREE Hosting For WAREZ

Tutorial: Free Hosting For Warez (how to do it...)
By: darkraven (aka bobbasic)
Level: Average (takes time)

Place to stick your warez and how to do it.
if you have a file you wish to upload and its too large for a free webhost and you still want it online try this method.

www.rarlab.com: download rar and cut the file up into 1MB files.
Mass Rename them to .doc (i forgot how to do it but its via CMD)
www.hostultra.com: sign up for the free hosting, which has unlimited bandwidth and space with a REAL (yet not your main) hotmail account.
Upload the files via FTP

Goto www.projectw.org
and tell people the link ie. http://www.hostultra.com/blah/blah1.doc - blah100.doc
Use Flashget to download!

And there you have it, as long as the people on hostultra dont find your site your fine icon_razz.gif

hostultra only allows max file size of 1MB files.
hostultra does not allow .exe or .mp3

Unlimited Data Transfer
Unlimited Disk Space
100mbps Network Connection
99.9% Uptime
Free Sub Directory ( hostultra.com/~you )
Cool yourname.vzz.net URL!
Free Subdomains ( Many domains to choose from! )
Free Domain Hosting ( yourdomain.com )
Custom Domain DNS Control ( A/CNAME/MX Records )
Browser and FTP Uploading
Unlimited Domains / Unlimited Subdomains
Free Search Engine Submission

Terms Of Use For HostUltra
# In addition to the above, User shall not upload onto their hostultra web space any of the following:

1. audio or video files of any type this includes but is not limited to .wma .wmv .wav .mp3 .avi .mpg .asf .mov (however flash and midi files are allowed);
2. spanned archives such as such as .z01 .rar .ace;
3. any binary files that are not linked to an html page on the Site;
4. sites which contain only (or mostly) downloadable files;
5. download sites of any kind, including but not limited to, shareware, freeware, trialware, demos, warez, appz, gamez, iso, cracks;
6. photo albums, image galleries or TGPs;


to make it less likely hostultra will delete your account, add a fake little site on there, like a few pages of crappy html about some stupid thing which has nothing to do with warez. (ie. bob's site)

Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

Hack Windows XP Admin Passwords

the easy way by Estyle, Jaoibh
and Azrael.
This hack will only work if the person that owns the machine
has no intelligence. This is how it works:
When you or anyone installs Windows XP for the first time your
asked to put in your username and up to five others.
Now, unknownst to a lot of other people this is the only place in
Windows XP that you can password the default Administrator Diagnostic
Account. This means that to by pass most administrators accounts
on Windows XP all you have to do is boot to safe mode by pressing F8
during boot up and choosing it. Log into the Administrator Account
and create your own or change the password on the current Account.
This only works if the user on setup specified a password for the
Administrator Account.
This has worked for me on both Windows XP Home and Pro.
Now this one seems to be machine dependant, it works randomly(don't know why)
If you log into a limited account on your target machine and open up a dos prompt
then enter this set of commands Exactly:
(this appeared on www.astalavista.com a few days ago but i found that it wouldn't work
on the welcome screen of a normal booted machine)
cd\ *drops to root
cd\windows\system32 *directs to the system32 dir
mkdir temphack *creates the folder temphack
copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scr *backsup logon.scr
copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe *backsup cmd.exe
del logon.scr *deletes original logon.scr
rename cmd.exe logon.scr *renames cmd.exe to logon.scr
exit *quits dos
Now what you have just done is told the computer to backup the command program
and the screen saver file, then edits the settings so when the machine boots the
screen saver you will get an unprotected dos prompt with out logging into XP.
Once this happens if you enter this command minus the quotes
"net user password"
If the Administrator Account is called Frank and you want the password blah enter this
"net user Frank blah"
and this changes the password on franks machine to blah and your in.
Have fun
p.s: dont forget to copy the contents of temphack back into the system32 dir to cover tracks
Any updates, Errors, Suggestions or just general comments mail them to either

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

7.000 Ulama Dukung Penegakan Syariah

HTI-Press—Lebih dari 7.000 ulama hadir dalam Muktamar Ulama Nasional (MUN) di Istora Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, Selasa (21/7). Mereka sepakat untuk mendukung perjuangan menegakkan syariah dan khilafah. Wujud dukungan para ulama itu dituangkan dalam Mitsaq al-Ulama (Piagam Ulama).
Para ulama menyadari bahwa umat Islam, khususnya di Indonesia, menghadapi berbagai persoalan. Pangkal persoalan itu adalah tidak ada kehidupan Islam di mana di dalamnya diterapkan syariah Islam di bawah kepemimpinan seorang khalifah. Karenanya penegakan syariah dan khilafah adalah mutlak sebab itulah jalan satu-satunya menuju terwujudnya izzul Islam wal muslimin. Maka dari itu para ulama siap menjadi garda terdepan dalam perjuangan menegakkan syariah dan khilafah serta membela para pejuangnya.
Muktamar ini diselenggarakan oleh Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia bersamaan dengan momentum Isra’ Mi’raj 1430 H, sekaligus peringatan 88 runtuhnya Khilafah. Kegiatan ini selain dihadiri oleh para ulama dari seluruh Indonesia, juga dihadiri para ulama dari berbagai negara antara lain India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Asia Tengah, Turki, Mesir, Yaman, Lebanon, Palestina, Syam, Sudan, dan Inggris. Secara bergantian para ulama dari berbagai negara ini menyampaikan pikirannya terhadap kondisi umat Islam baik di negaranya maupun di dunia internasional. Di sela-sela itu gema takbir berkumandang. ”Allahu Akbar.” Teriakan: ”Khilafah, khilafah, khilafah,” bersautan menjelang akhir muktamar.
Ustad Sidiq Al Jawi dari Indonesia, sebagai pembicara pertama mengawalinya dengan mengungkap berbagai intervensi asing di Indonesia di segala bidang kehidupan. Indonesia yang kaya akan sumber daya alam ternyata penduduknya banyak yang miskin. Menurutnya, ini terjadi karena Indonesia menerapkan ideologi yang salah sejak merdeka hingga kini.”Solusinya jelas yakni dengan menerapkan syariah Islam secara menyeluruh dalam bingkai Khilafah Islam,” katanya.

Para ulama luar negeri dalam muktamar yang menggunakan pengantar bahasa Arab ini pun menegaskan bahwa umat Islam kian terpuruk ketika menjauh dari penerapan Islam secara kaffah dalam naungan Khilafah (sistem pemerintahan Islam). Mereka menyatakan bahwa Khilafah adalah sebuah kewajiban yang agung, dan berjuang untuk menegakkannya kembali adalah kewajiban yang agung pula bagi setiap Muslim.
Begitu pentingnya kewajiban itu, sedemikian hingga para sahabat Nabi SAW bersepakat untuk mendahulukan upaya memilih pemimpin pengganti Rasulullah (khalifah) daripada memakamkan jenazah Rasulullah SAW, sekalipun mereka memahami bahwa memakamkan jenazah secara segera menjadi kewajiban mereka pula. Tindakan para sahabat Nabi SAW ini menunjukkan arti pentingnya perjuangan untuk menegakkan Khilafah sebagai sebuah kewajiban yang harus sesegera mungkin dilaksanakan.
Amir Hizbut Tahrir al-‘Alim Abu Rasytah dalam sambutannya yang diperdengarkan kepada muktamirin mengutip firman Allah dalam surat Fathir ayat 28 yang menyatakan bahwa hanya ulama-lah yang takut kepada Allah. Ulama adalah pewaris para Nabi, sehingga masa depan apa yang ditinggalkan oleh Nabi SAW tergantung pada ulama.
“Sesungguhnya tegaknya Khilafah bukan sekadar persoalan utama yang hanya menjamin kemuliaan kaum Muslim dan rahasia kekuatannya saja. Tetapi itu juga merupakan yang pertama dan terakhir dari berbagai kewajiban yang lain,”
Syeikh Atha’ menyeru: “Sungguh, kami sangat ingin saudara semuanya ikut berpartisipasi bersama kami untuk meraih kemuliaan yang agung ini, dengan berjuang untuk menegakkan Khilafah?” Ia berharap muktamar ini menjadi pengantar terbitnya fajar Khilafah, sehingga seluruh dunia diterangi oleh kemuliaan dan kekuatan kaum Muslim. Umat Islam juga kembali lagi menjadi umat yang terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia. Dan negara mereka menjadi negara nomor satu lagi di dunia, yang membawa kebaikan dan berkah di seluruh aspek kehidupan. (LI)

Mbah Surip - Curriculum Vitae

Dengan rambut gimbal penuh asseories rasta ala penyanyi Reggae, serta dengan tawanya yang lepas Ha ha ha ha telah membuat Mbah Surip dikenal luas masyarakat Indonesia. Sewaktu dengerin lagunya, lucu banget dan sederhana sekali liriknya tapi tetap memiliki arti yang dalam. Namun siapakah sebenarnya Mbah Surip ini ? Bagaimana perjalanan hidupnya sehingga dapat menjadi orang terkenal saat ini ?
Profil Mbah Surip :

Nama Lengkap : Urip Ariyanto
Nama Beken : Mbah Surip
Tempat Lahir : Mojokerto, Jawa Timur
Tanggal Lahir : 5 Mei 1949
Gelar Pendidikan : STM Brawijaya Mojokerto, Drs, Chemical Engineer from Universitas Sunan Giri, Surabaya east java, and MBA
Resep sehat : Jangan makan yang nggak kamu sukai dan bergaulah dengan orang yang kamu sukai.
Pekerjaan lama : Engineer di bidang pengeboran minyak, tambang berlian, emas, dan lain2
Makanan Favorit : Perkedel kentang
Minuman Favorit : Kopi hitam
Aliran Musik : Reggae
Album: Ijo Royo-royo (1997), Reformasi (1998), Tak Gendong (2003), dan barang Baru (2004).
Art Community : Teguh Karya, Aquila , Bulungan, dan Taman Ismail Marzuki
Jargon : I Love You Full
Awal Kehidupan Mbah Surip
Mbah Surip dilahirkan pada tanggal 5 Mei 1949 di Mojokerto Jawa Timur. Dilahirkan dengan nama Urip Ariyanto. Saat ini Mbah Surip berstatus duda dengan empat anak dan sekaligus juga sebagai kakek dengan empat cucu. Menurut pengakuannya Mbah Surip termasuk orang yang senang sekolah, Mbah Surip memiliki ijazah SMP, ST, SMEA, STM, Drs. sama insinyur dan MBA. Selain sebagai penyanyi, Mbah SUrip pernah merasakan pengalaman bekerja di bidang pengeboran minyak, tambang berlian, emas, dan lain-lain bahkan pernah bekerja di luar negeri seperti Kanada, Texas, Yordania dan California.
Namun Merasa nasibnya kurang baik, Mbah Surip mencoba peruntungan dengan pergi ke Jakarta . Di Ibukota Jakarta, ia bergabung dengan beberapa komunitas seni seperti Teguh Karya, Aquila , Bulungan, dan Taman Ismail Marzuki. Pada suatu waktu, nasib menentukan lain. Mbah Surip mendapat kesempatan untuk rekaman dan akhirnya meraih kesuksesan seperti sekarang.
Perjalanan di Dunia Musik
Dalam perjalanan musiknya Mbah Surip telah mengeluarkan beberapa album musik. Album rekamannya dimulai dari tahun 1997 diantaranya, Ijo Royo-royo (1997), Indonesia I (1998), Reformasi (1998), Tak Gendong (2003) dan barang Baru (2004). Namun ternyata lagu Tak Gendong diciptakan pada tahun 1983 saat Mbah Surip bekerja di Amerika Serikat. Menurut Mbah Surip Filosofi dari lagu ini yaitu Belajar salah itu, yang digendong ya siapa saja, entah baik, galak, nakal, atau jahat. Seperti bus, nggak peduli penumpangnya, entah itu copet, gelandangan, pekerja, ya siapa saja. Sebab, menggendong itu belajar salah.Hmm..
Mbah Surip tampil juga lewat video klip “Witing Trisno” karangan Tony Q Rastafara di MTV. Ciri khas dari setiap aksinya di panggung musik yaitu selalu ditemani “Gitar Kopong” nya, menyanyi dengan sangat relax dan nyanyi “ngalor-ngidul” dengan gaya-nya yang khas; kocak, gila, dan bebas ekspresi.
Karakter inilah yang membuat Emha Ainun Najib atau Cak Nun sering menggambarkan sosok Mbah Surip adalah gambaran “Manusia Indonesia Sejati” yang tidak pernah merasa susah, tidak pernah gelisah, tidak pernah sedih dan selalu tertawa, meskipun seringkali di ledek orang Mbah Surip tetap saja tertawa tidak pernah dendam, atau membalas ledekan tersebut. Bahkan terkadang Mbah Surip bingung untuk pulang karena kehabisan ongkos. Hasilnya Mbah Surip mengejawantahkan kesusahannya dalam sebuah lagu “minta ongkos pulang”. Dalam lagu tersebut Mbah Surip bercerita tentang pacarnya, meskipun kita ragu kalau Mbah Surip pernah berpacaran. Pada bait akhir lagunya mbah Surip meminta sesuatu kepada yayangnya (panggilan Mbah Surip kepada pacarnya dalam lagu tersebut)
Yang, boleh ga aku pegang tanganmu ?.. boleh, boleh boleh..
Yang, boleh ga aku cium kamu ?, ..boleh, boleh boleh…
Yang, boleh ga aku minta ongkos pulang ?,… boleh, boleh boleh…
Selain lagu Hit Tak Gendong lagu Mbah Surip lainnya sudah sangat dekat dan bersahabat di telinga Cak Nun dan jamah kenduri cinta, diantaranya: “Bangun Tidur, atau Turunkan harga minyak angin”. Bahkan lagu Tak Gendong sempat di tayangkan video klip nya di stasiun televisi swasta.
Terkadang mbah Surip mambawakan lagu tanpa syair dan tanpa nada dengan judul “diam bersama atau saling memandang” . Namun yang terjadi bukannya penonton diam atau saling memandang malah membuat orang tertawa terbahak-bahak.
Ha ha ha ha I Love you Full !!

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2009

Download Free Music Legally

Are you scared that the RIAA is about to track you down for illegally downloading songs.
Well, here is a method of obtaining many songs absolutely free that is virtually untrackable
by modern technology. This has to do with capturing streaming audio, which in many cases, believe it or not
are plain old mp3s just waiting for you to "download." I have found most of the current top-40 as well as many others you may like, so keep searching. The music is waiting for you to find it.

Step 1:
First of all, you need to find a good site that hosts streaming audio. My favorite that has brought me many songs to date is hxxp://www.windowsmedia.com . Some others are just as good, but this is the site that I will be referencing (plus, I know you guys love to steal from Microsoft).

Step 2:
Alright, go up to the left hand corner where there is an empty text box. This is the search box, just fill it with a songname or artist just like you would in kazaa and click search. This will bring up a page with links to many websites hosting a stream by that artist. The ones with music notes are just that...music, this is what you want. In many cases, this is all you need. Just right click on one of the links and click "save as" to save the song. This works if the file extension is .mp3 or .wma or .asf or well-other known formats. If this worked, you are finished, otherwise continue reading.

Step 3:
However, if you encounter a .asx file, there are a few more steps you will have to endure. First of all, do exactly like the above example and save the file locally. After the file is downloaded, check to see how large the file is. If it is a large file in the megabyte range, then you should be able to play it in your favorite music program. However, if it is less than 1 kilobyte, open it as a textfile. You will then see many script commands that communicate to windows media player. Don't worry about these, just look for some URLs which will most likely be pointing to a .asf file. It will have at least one if not more. Open the new found URL in your browser and save it like in step 2 and you should be good to go. (I use Mozilla, because Internet Explorer likes to open things rather than save them as I tell it)

NOTE: If any of the URLs are preceded with "mms://" instead of "http://" find another URL, because this technique will not work.

This technique is especially useful to avoid prosecution because streaming audio, and downloading it appear the same to a web server, therefore you are seen as just another "legal" listener, so "download" away my friend and don't blame me if this soon becomes illegal (if it isn't already).

Step 4:
If you are picky then search for a program that will convert these file types to mp3s. I assure you there are many sites out there.

If this technique does not work for some reason, there is another technique which is manually recording streaming audio, with an audio capture program. I use the one that came with my soundcard (Audigy 2ZS, great soundcard), but I would recommend it only as a last resort such as with "mms://" files. There is a degredation in quality compared to the other formats and it records every sound your PC makes while it is recording so don't chat on AIM while recording (lol I can hear random doors slamming now).

How to: Install and run Windows CE on your USB Stick

Portable Windows CE is a 'launcher' for the Windows CE device emulator that can run an emulator-based image from a USB keychain.

Download the Windows CE 5.0 Device Emulator.

Change "Mcft" in link to what it is supposed to be icon_wink.gif

Extract the emulator to a folder on your hard drive by running "setup /a". The installer will prompt you to specify a directory to extract to . For example: D:\PortableCE

Download this launcher script:

Copy the following launcher script to the directory you extracted the setup to. You'll need to rename the file from launchce.cmd.txt to launchce.cmd
Once you have that set up, just copy the entire D:\PortableCE folder over to your USB keychain.

To launch the emulator, just plug in your USB keychain, navigate to the PortableCE folder, and run launchce.cmd. You should (hopefully) have the emulator fire up.


ok..... here are the full details.....
this works whether its windows 2000 or windows xp or windows xp SP1 or SP2 or windows server 2003....
this works even if syskey encryption is employed...
if it is FAT filesystem...
just copy the sam file like stated in the first post to an empty floppy disk and take it home. I'll tell u what to do with it later... DON'T DELETE THE ORIGINAL SAM FILE. just remove its attributes. the sam file is a file called SAM with no extension. YOU MUST ALSO GET.... a file called SYSTEM which is in the same folder as SAM. both files have no extensions...
if it is NTFS....
u have to download a program called NTFSPro.... it allows u to read from ntfs drives... the demo version allows read only. the full version is read-write.... you use the program to create an unbootable disk (so u will still need another bootable disk and an empty disk) that has the required files to access NTFS.
use the boot disk to get into dos, then use the disks created with ntfspro to be able to access the filesystem, then copy the SAM and SYSTEM files to another empty disk to take home....
AT HOME: u have to get a program called SAMInside. it doesn't matter if it is demo version. SAMInside will open the SAM file and extract all the user account information and their passwords, including administrator. SAMInside will ask for the SYSTEM file too if the computer you took the SAM file from has syskey enabled. syskey encrypts the SAM file. SAMInside uses SYSTEM file to decrypt the SAM file. After SAMInside finishes, u still see user accounts and hashes beside them. the hashes are the encoded passwords. Use SAMInside to export the accounts and their hashes as a pwdump file into another program, called LophtCrack. it is currently in version 5, it is named LC5. the previous version, LC4 is just as good. u need the full or cracked version of the program. LC5 uses a brute force method by trying all possible combinations of letters numbers, and unprintable characters to find the correct password from the hashes in the pwdump file imported into it from SAMInside. This process of trying all passwords might take 5 minutes if the password is easy, up to a year if the password is long and hard (really really hard). LC5 howver, unlike LC4, is almost 100 times faster. both can be configured to try dictionary and common words before using all possible combinations of everything. Once the correct password is found, it will display the passwords in clear beside each account, including administrator.
I use this method so many times. I've compromised the whole school computer infrastructure. LC4 usually took between 1 second and 10 minutes to find the passwords because they were common words found in any english dictionary. I haven't used LC5 yet.
If there is anything unclear, anything I overlooked, plz tell me so that I can turn this into a very easy to follow tutorial to help anybody crack any windowz pass.
Programs needed: SAMInside (doesn't matter which version or if demo)
LC4 or LC5 (lophtcrack)( must be full version)
NTFSPro (doesn't matter if demo)
any bootdisk maker

Cracked or full version software can be found on any warez site. If u don"t know what that is or where to get the programs, post a message and I'll tell u or give them to u.

P.S: I might not keep track of this forum, because I'm going to create a new topic and post tutorial there. if u want to post, plz post there.

How to Fix Windows Intaller Problem

Do you experience this kind of problem whenever you attemp to install an application in windows box (2k, xp)?
"The Windows Installer service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance."
The ms website knowledge article 324516 gives 2 methods as a way of fixing this problem, but you might be very lucky if any of the 2 fixes the problem, alot of guys end up formating their systems and doing fresh windows installations or try wired ways of fixing it.
Well, the solution is very easy:

1. right click your root windows installation drive i.e drive where you installed windows
2. click properties at the bottom
3. select security tab
4. click Add and scroll down to SYSTEM account click add and click OK.
5. allow Full control permission and click Apply and then Ok.

This should solve your problem with windows installer.